How to resolve most issues with ordering via our website

Typically, customers experiencing issues with Online Ordering are working in multiple tabs, having trouble navigating the login process, or potentially encountering a lag in load time on our website.

If you are experiencing trouble, please complete the below steps:

  1. Log out of and close all browser windows on your computer (e.g. all Chrome, Edge, Safari windows). You may want to open these instructions on a different device, take a screenshot or copy them over to a word doc so you have them on hand.
  2. Login to
  3. Go to Cart.
  4. Remove any items you don’t want to purchase (if there’s any there).
  5. If there are no items in your cart, go to the product and re-add the custom combination you want (name, nickname and size). Add to cart. Wait at least 30 seconds before pressing the add to cart button again. Pressing the add to cart button more than once within this time will likely cause issue.
  6. Proceed to checkout. Then follow the prompts to complete your order.

If you’re still experiencing issues after trying the above, please contact with a screenshot of what you see on this page when logged in. In your screenshot include your full computer screen window. Also, include a brief description of the specific issue(s) you are experiencing. State your group name. If you cannot log in, read FAQs 1 to 3 below.


View instructions on how to order online with Exodus Wear if needed.


Some more common questions are answered below (FAQs).

Tip: try using CTRL + F (Command + F on a Mac) and searching for terms related to your query.

1. I never set up an account with Exodus Wear? What is my account email?

The primary contact from your organisation sent us through a list of emails prior to the commencement of online ordering. We have created an account for each email provided. If you are a school student or teacher, this will be your school email (e.g. If you are an organisation, it will be your organisation email (e.g Others can contact the person organising their group’s order for the email used.

You will need to set up your password if you have not done so already or are unsure what it might be. This is explained in FAQ #2 below.


2. I never set up a password for my account with Exodus Wear? What is my password?

Please go to this page and reset your password. Your email address will be the one outlined above in FAQ #1. This is the correct step even if you have never set up your password on

You will be sent an automated email from our website that provides you with a link to reset your password. Follow the prompts. Please check your spam and junk folder if you still have not received an email from us within 15 minutes.


3. It says that I do not have an account associated with my email address?

Please review FAQ #1 and double-check you have no typos or spaces at the front or end of your input. If you are still experiencing trouble, please contact your organisation representative. They will be able to confirm the email address you should be using and/or provide us with an account to be added for you if needed.


4. Why am I seeing ‘This product can only be purchased by members’ for the product I want to purchase?

If you are seeing the notification ‘this product can only be purchased by members’ on the product page for the product you are meant to be purchasing, our website is not recognising you as being logged in. Please follow the instructions at the start of this current page you are reading titled ‘How to resolve most issues with ordering via our website’.


5. Why am I getting the error ‘Sorry, this product cannot be purchased’ when I add to cart?

If you are seeing the notification ‘Sorry, this product cannot be purchased’ on the product page for the product you are meant to be purchasing, our website is not recognising you as being logged in. Please follow the instructions at the start of this current page you are reading titled ‘How to resolve most issues with ordering via our website’.


6. What address do I put in for my order on checkout?

All orders will be delivered to your organisation’s address. Whatever address you put here will not affect delivery. Please put your residential address for billing and invoicing purposes.