Are you studying science at university? Do you find it boring sometimes? Here are a few science memes for those of you studying science. There are some clever puns here too which is Gneiss. So, if you are studying science you do matter and you do defy gravity. Because science is awesome! Prepare to delve into some seriously light-hearted memes all centred around the science discipline. So, whether you are studying biology, chemistry, environmental science, geoscience, geology etc. there is something here for everyone!

Science memes for the scientist in you:

Firstly there is this one from Sean Bean (you may remember this from Lord of the Rings) but with a different ending!

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This next one features Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Charles Darwin having an argument about some sort of situation. Cleverly worded.

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This next one also features Einstein and is important to remember for anyone, not just science students. Although if you are studying science you will find this meme quite funny…like Einstein here!

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This one is just good because yes science is awesome. But it is important and allows us to understand our world.

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For those of you not into science, here is a fact: human beings only hear things at 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. So, yes we have never heard anything at 50,000 Hz but a dog could.

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These next two are for those studying geology. Gneiss (pronounced nice) and Schist are both types of rock for those that don’t know. Some great puns!

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The last of the science memes is this one for chemistry students. The second man dies because he has consumed H2O2 which is hydrogen peroxide. Found in disinfectant and cleaning agents, this chemical should not be drunk by the class full…or at any time come to think of it.

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In conclusion, science can be funny at times as you have seen with these science memes. And there are many more to look at on: